Creating Notification Database (NDB)

Scenario: You want to create and configure NDB on the Server and link it to the project so that the data (recipients, incidents, and notifications) is logged in the NDB.

For working with the NDB on a remote server, follow the steps as indicated. Once created you should link it to the project and encrypt the communication between the NDB on the remote server and the server project. See Encrypting the Communication Between Project and Remote HDB.


Reference: For background information, see the reference section.


Workflow diagram:




  • For the hard disk sector-size support boundaries in the SQL server, you have reviewed the[language code] from Microsoft.
  • SQL Server or SQL Server Express is installed and available.
  • A named instance is defined on the SQL Server.
  • The host name of the SQL Server is not more than 15 characters.
  • The Windows user configured in the System Account and in the NDB Service Account must be valid and assigned all required rights. See Log on as a Service Right in System Settings Procedures.
  • The SQL Server Browser is set to automatic. See Enabling the SQL Server Browser.
  • All required Windows system users are available.
  • To work with SQL Server on the remote machine, the following prerequisites apply:
  • SMC must be launched , the following prerequisites apply :
    • The required Windows account configured on SQL Server with sysadmin fixed server role is available.
    • If the required privileges are not available, a dialog box appears to provide a Windows account configured on SQL Server with sysadmin fixed server role.
    • SMC launched with a Windows NDB owner user when NDB workflow do not need system administrator privileges.
    • NDB workflows such as change NDB owner, which need system administrator privileges, a dialog box displays to provide a user having system administrator privileges on the SQL Server.
  • For linking the NDB to the Server project, the Server project is created in SMC.



1 – Scan and Link an SQL Server
  • A named instance is defined on the SQL Server.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Database Infrastructure.
  1. Select the HDBManagement tab.
  1. Select the SQL Servers expander and click Scan Local. This detects all SQL Servers on the local computer. To work with remote NDB do any of the following steps:
  • Click Scan Network: Detects all SQL Servers on the local network. Only those Server names are displayed that are found within 30 seconds.
  • In the Manual search text field, type the Server and instance number, for example, CH1Wxxxx\SQL Server Name and click Search Server (validation of computer name).
    This Search Server option is only required when no SQL Server could be found locally or on the network because of the fact that customer system administrators or SQL administrators can setup and hide their SQL servers to remain invisible with the two options of Scan Local and Scan Network.
  1. In the SQL Servers expander, select the SQL Server name.
  1. Click Link .
  • The server is connected. The server does not yet contain a Notification Database if you connect for the first time.
2 – Create a New NDB
  • The destination folder where the NDB data and log files will be stored, typically GMSDatabases, is not compressed.
    NOTE: For more information on the expanders, refer to the Notification Database Configuration topic.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Database Infrastructure > [SQL Server Name].
  1. Click Add and select Create Notification Database.
  • The Add Notification DB screen displays.
  1. Open the Database Information expander and enter data into the following fields:
  • DB name: Enter the name of the new Notification database. The database name must be unique on the targeted SQL Server (do not use special characters).
  • Database size: Set the size of the NDB (maximum 10 GB for SQL Server Express).
  • Recovery model: Select the type of recovery either Full or Simple. The default value is Full. For more information, see Recovery Models.
  • SQL server: Displays the SQL Server address on which the new database will be created. Notification supports local as well as remote SQL servers.
  • T-log size: Represents the transaction log size.
  1. Select the Files and Paths expander and enter the following data:
  • Data file: C:\Gmsdatabases\NDB.mdf
  • Log file: C:\Gmsdatabases\NDB.ldf
  • Backup file: C:\Gmsdatabases\Backups\NDB.bak
  • Recovery log path: C:\Gmsdatabases\Backups\RecoveryLog
    If you do not use the standard paths in the Data file, Log file, Backup file, and Recovery log path fields and if the SQL Server is on a different computer, you must first create the folders before you click Save.
  1. Select the Security expander and check the displayed user names.
    a. DB owner: Enter the database owner details. The NDB owner must be different from the NDB user and the NDB service user.
    b. DB user: Displays the database user details.
    c. DB service user: Displays the database service user details.
  1. Click Save .
  1. Click Yes.
  • The NDB is created and displays in the SMC tree.
  • The NDB starts automatically.
  • Notification data is logged after linking to the project.


3 – Link an NDB to the Project
  1. In the SMC tree, select the project.
  1. Select the Notification tab.
  • The Notification tab details display.
  1. In the SQL Server Details expander, select the NDB from the Linked NDB drop-down list.
    NOTE1: The NDB status is displayed in Linked NDB state field. The NDB states are same as the HDB states. For more information, refer to the Server Project Information Expander section in the Project Modification Settings topic.
    NOTE2: The Encrypted check box is enabled only when the Notification database that you have linked to the project is on the remote computer (SSL on TCP/IP connection).
    NOTE3: Encrypting the communication between Server project and remote SQL Server slows down the performance. For more information on the steps to configure secure communication between Notification server and Database server including certificate creation, refer to prerequisites and Set the Encryption in the SQL Server Configuration Manager section in Setting up Server Project with Remote HDB (SQL Server).
    NOTE4: You need to manually disable TCP/IP protocol for the SQL instance in the SQL Server Configuration Manager dialog box for making the SQL server ‘locally bound’.
  1. Click Save.
  • The NDB is linked with the project.
    NOTE: If a project 'A' is linked to NDB 'A' and you try to link another NDB 'B' to the same project 'A', a prompt displays stating "selected NDB 'B' does not belong to Project 'A', do you still want to connect". When you select yes, the Project A is linked to the NDB 'B' and NDB ‘A’ is no longer linked to project ‘A’.