Restoring and Upgrading the Notification Database (NDB)

Scenario: You have an NDB backup that you want to restore. The NDB backup can be of the same version as that of the current SQL Server version or it can have the lower version.

In case of the same version, once the NDB backup is restored you can directly go to Step 3 – Link an NDB to the Project.


Reference: For background information, see the reference section.


Workflow diagram:



  • The Windows user configured in the System Account and in the NDB Service Account must be valid and assigned all required rights, See Log on as a Service Right in System Settings Procedures.
  • SMC must be launched, the following prerequisites apply:
    • The required Windows account configured on SQL Server with sysadmin fixed server role is available.
    • If the required privileges are not available a dialog box appears to provide a Windows account configured on the SQL Server with sysadmin fixed server role.
    • SMC launched with a Windows NDB owner user when NDB workflow do not need system administrator privileges.
    • NDB workflows such as change NDB owner, which need system administrator privileges, a dialog box displays to provide a user having system administrator privileges on the SQL Server.
  • A NDB backup is available at the known path.


1 – Restore an NDB Backup
  • SQL Server or SQL Server Express is available.
  • A named instance is available on the SQL Server.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Database Infrastructure > [SQL Server Name].
    NOTE: Do not select an existing NDB.
  1. Click Restore and select Restore Notification DB.
  1. Select the Database Information expander and type a new NDB Name (no special characters or spaces).
  1. Select the Files and Paths expander and type the following data:
  • Data file: C:\Gmsdatabases\NDB.mdf
  • Log file: C:\Gmsdatabases\NDB.ldf
  • Backup file: C:\Gmsdatabases\Backups\NDB.bak
  • Recovery log path: C:\Gmsdatabases\Backups\RecoveryLog
  • Restore file: F:\[MyProjectNDB]\NDB.bak
  1. Select the Security expander and check the displayed user names.
    a. DB owner: SMC user who requires HDB owner rights. You can change it as required.
    b. DB user: Project user who requires NDB user rights for read and write operations.
    c. DB service user: Service user who requires NDB service user rights for maintenance operations.
    NOTE: For more information on the security expander, refer to the Security Expander section in the Notification Database Configuration in SMC topic.
  1. Click Save .
  1. Click Yes to restore a backup file.
  • The NDB is read back and displayed in the SMC tree. The NDB status is seen as outdated if the restored NDB needs an upgrade.
  • The NDB is started automatically following successful restore.


2 – Upgrade an NDB

The NDB must be upgraded for a new version. The following workflow illustrates the preconditions and different variants for upgrading the NDB.

  • SMC is launched with a Windows account configured on the SQL Server with sysadmin fixed server role. If the required privileges are not available, a dialog box appears to provide a Windows account configured on the SQL Server with sysadmin fixed server role.
  • The NDB status is seen as follows:
    Outdated: The database needs to be upgraded.
    NOTE: In case of Outdated database, you need to explicitly upgrade the NDB. This will add the NDB under the Database infrastructure tree and link to the upgraded project.
  1. Select the Security expander and check if the displayed user names are as required.
    a. DB owner: You can change it as required. The NDB owner must be different than the NDB user and the NDB service user.
    b. DB user: Project user who requires NDB user rights for read and write operations.
    c. DB service user: Service user who requires NDB service user rights for maintenance operations.
    NOTE: For more information on the security expander, refer to the Security Expander section in the Notification Database Configuration in SMC topic.
  • The Upgrade icon is enabled in the SMC toolbar.
  1. Click Upgrade .
  • A message displays.
  1. Click Yes.


3 – Link an NDB to the Project

The NDB contains the recipients information which are referenced in the templates of the project. You need to link this specific NDB to the right project, otherwise the notifications will be sent to the wrong recipients. To avoid a mismatch, the NDB and the project get the same key.
If a mismatch is detected, you are informed with a pop up message. In that case, you need to link the NDB to the right project. If there is no matching NDB available, then you need to delete all the recipients in the project, create a new NDB, create the recipients in the project again and link the recipients to the template.
The following steps illustrates the workflow:

  1. In the SMC tree, select your project.
  1. Select the Notification tab.
  1. In the SQL Server Details expander, select the NDB from the Linked NDB drop-down list.
  1. Click Save.
  • The NDB is linked with the project and logs history data.

If you move with SMC the NDB for example, from a local SQL Server to a remote SQL Server, that at the time of move execution (unlink from old, link to new NDB) both NDBs must be reachable. The reason behind this behavior is a so called consistency key which binds a CC project to a NDB to make sure, that the CC project is always connected to the right NDB, with the right recipients. If a new NDB is needed, then the consistency key will be red from the old NDB and moved to the the new NDB.

4 – Start the Project
  • At least one active project is available under Projects node in SMC tree.
  • The project is stopped and has unique port numbers.
  • (Only applicable for Projects on FEP)
    - You have copied and imported the same Windows key file, as that on the Server computer, on the disk of the FEP computer.
    - You have re-aligned the Client/FEP Project with the updated project on the Server.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. Click the Project Settings tab.
  • Project Settings displays.
  1. Click Start Project .
  • The Pmon service in the Windows services starts which in turn starts the project.