Bulk Engineering Objects

You can use the search and multi-selection features of System Browser to select multiple objects and engineer them in bulk in the Object Configurator tab.

Search for Objects in System Browser
  1. In System Browser, click Filter search .
  1. Open the Discipline, Type or Other drop-down list.
  1. Select the desired option check boxes.
  1. Click the gray background or entry fields to close the dialog box.
  1. Click Search.
  • The found objects are displayed in System Browser. You can now make a multi-selection from this list.


Multi-Select Objects in System Browser

To facilitate multi-selection, you can first use the System Browser Filter search to display a list of objects of the required type.

To select a number of non-adjacent objects:

  1. Select the first object using the mouse.
    NOTE: When pressing CTRL, always the firstly selected data point in the selected items list serves as master data point.
  1. Press CTRL key and hold it.
  1. Select all other desired objects using the mouse.

To select a range of adjacent objects:

  1. Select the beginning of your range of objects using the mouse.
    NOTE: When using the SHIFT key, always the top-most selected data point in the selected items list serves as master data point.
  1. Press SHIFT and hold it.
  1. Select the end of your range of objects using the mouse.

Limitation for selected items are 10000 data points for modifying data point attributes and properties attributes in the Object Configurator.


Engineer Multiple Objects in the Object Configurator Tab
  1. Select the objects you want to engineer.
  1. In the Object Configurator tab, make the desired changes.
    NOTE: Grayed out parameters cannot be engineered.
  • The attributes to be changed on the master data point are marked with an asterisk (*).
  1. Change the value.
  1. Click Save .
  • After saving, the values of the marked attributes are written to the selected data points. Only object properties that have been changed will be logged in the Activity Log database.

- Bulk engineering is for data points only (not for Library objects such as Object Models and Functions).
- The data point attributes in the Main expander can be bulk engineered. The Object Models of selected data points may be different, but the data points must belong to the same system.
- The data point attributes in the Properties, Details, Alarm Configuration, Value Conversion and Smoothing expanders can be bulk engineered. The objects must be of the same object type, such as analog input. If different object types are selected, in the Operation tab, the message No properties (different properties) displays.
- Value Conversion and Smoothing bulk engineering is possible over more than one network, but all the driver(s) must be running.