Overwrite SMC Web Configuration: Allows you to overwrite the URL configurations applied from the SMC.
Dashboard URL: Displays the Dashboard URL.
Web Service URL: Displays the Web Service URL.
Advanced Reporting Url: Displays the Advance Reporting URL.
Network Configuration Expander
It allows you to configure the following fields:
Protocol: Allows you to enter the protocol.
Network Name: Allows you to enter the network name.
Smoothing Expander
It allows you to configure the following fields:
Historical Data Smoothing: Allows you to select between time based smoothing or value based smoothing. Time: Allows you to select the interval for time based smoothing in the Smoothing Time Interval column. Value: Allows you to enable value based smoothing. The current value is archived only when there is a change from the last read value.
Value Group: Displays the property group of the devices being polled.
Smoothing Time Interval: Allows you to select smoothing time intervals for the selected value groups.
Import Device Type Expander
It allows you to create or delete new device types.
Library name: Allows you to enter the name of the library under which the new device type is created.
Select File: Allows you to browse and select the JSON file to be used to create the device type.
Device Type Name: Allows you to select the device type to be deleted.